Yes, we can

Madam, – Regarding Martin Gilchrist’s comments (May 30th) this is precisely the type of “roll up your sleeves and think positive…

Madam, – Regarding Martin Gilchrist’s comments (May 30th) this is precisely the type of “roll up your sleeves and think positive” rhetoric that is getting the country nowhere. It is time to get real. Ireland is bankrupt. We have an unsustainable debt burden the consequences of which will have to be dealt with. We need a government which will face down the EU over the bailout.

We need a government which will take hard economic decisions by burning the bondholders and pulling out of the euro so that we can become competitive again.

Taoiseach Kenny famously said on the day he was elected to Government: “Paddy likes to know the score”. Well Mr Kenny, it’s time to tell people what the score really is. Glad-handing it with the Queen and Barack Obama may sell a few more pints in Temple Bar, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. – Yours, etc,


Castleforbes Square,

Castleforbes Road,


Dublin 1.