Zappone appointment raises questions

Sir, – Aontú TD Peadar Tóibín, criticising the appointment of Katherine Zappone, said, "It's an incredible situation, that a friend, a former colleague of the Minister can simply ask for a job and get it. It shows that people with access to power have a massive advantage over regular citizens" (News, July 29th).

What is more incredible is that Peadar Tóibín seems to have only discovered this now. Has it ever been any other way? – Yours, etc,




Dublin 18.

Sir, – The manner of the appointment of Katherine Zappone to the position of a special envoy to the UN raises a number of questions that should be of concern to anyone interested in the future of our political system. There are a number of important questions that need to be asked and answered. This is essential to ensure that the general public of all ages can maintain trust in our political system, which currently is at a very concerning all-time low. – Yours, etc,


Director of Services,

Alice Leahy Trust,

and former Irish

Human Rights


Dublin 8.

Sir, – By proposing herself for the position, the incoming UN special envoy for freedom of expression illustrated her understanding of the job title.

Maybe such adroitness proves her suitability for the job. – Yours, etc,


Dublin 9.

Sir, – In the interests of fairness and transparency, I hereby offer my services to intercede on behalf of all the people of Ireland with any extraterrestrials who might in future land on our island. Such an important role, as this is likely to be, would require Government appointment, and since I do not wish to be recorded grovelling to any of our exemplary Government Ministers, I live in expectation that this letter comes to the attention of one or more Ministers who are prepared to initiate contact with myself. I would be prepared to be remunerated for my services for an extremely modest salary – perhaps equivalent to the annual salary of a regular hard-working TD. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 14.

Sir, – I can think of a much better way for Ireland to declare its support for freedom of expression than appointing Katherine Zappone as a special envoy.

How about not introducing secular blasphemy laws in the shape of “hate speech” legislation?

“Hate speech” is an entirely subjective concept that cannot be objectively defined and measured. It is a concept that has no place on any statute books.

There is a certain irony in creating a position to support for freedom of expression while at the same time putting in place measures to suppress freedom of expression. – Yours, etc,



Dublin 15.

A chara, – I would like to propose myself for the next UN appointment in the gift of the Irish Government. In excited anticipation. – Yours, etc,



Co Wicklow.

Sir, – At last – jobs for the girls. – Yours, etc,



Co Cork.

Sir, – I’m sure that, before appointing the new freedom of expression envoy, the Government considered a range of candidates from Z to A. – Yours, etc,




Co Donegal.