One Ireland For Trees

"We're all getting so screwed about trees," he said irritably. "About time, too!" said the other

"We're all getting so screwed about trees," he said irritably. "About time, too!" said the other. "None of this moderation in everything nonsense. Just full steam ahead with Crann, Coillte, The Irish Foresters and all the others." Well, now and then it is possible to plant in the wrong place. One enthusiast found that, after 20 years, some trees he had dug in with great satisfaction had grown to obscure completely the lovely sight of the sun going down over rolling green hills. There was only one answer - a wide ride had to be cut through them. Still, plenty of room elsewhere. Tree planters may at times be a bit complacent about the good they are doing for Ireland rather than dying for her, but planting trees for the people who care to follow us is a noble work.

A Dublin friend of a northern family had added a contemporary touch to this. Crann, as you have read, is establishing a huge mixed broadleaf woodland on the shores of Lough Derg in Co Tipperary. The public is asked to help by sponsoring a tree (more than one, please) at £25 each. Just send the money to Crann, Banagher, Co Offaly. So our Dublin friend and family are sponsoring a tree to the memory of a woman from the North who did an enormous amount for landscaping, for heritage, for wildlife and held many offices in organisations related. She was Gwen Buchanan, who died a few months ago at her home in Strangford. Her husband, Profr Ronald Buchanan, is chairman of the Northern Ireland National Trust. Many people on this side of the Border could think of a friend who would be touched by having a tree dedicated to him or her on this side of the Border. It is one positive gesture, and many here surely wish they could do some little thing to speed the way to peace and stability.

It's all go this week. Prof Fergus Kelly, whose brilliant book Early Irish Farming has been noted more than once here, gives the Augustine Henry Memorial Lecture, "Trees in Ancient Ireland", in the RDS this Thursday, March 11th, at 8p.m. Free admission, all welcome. On Saturday 13th, Crann has a session from 1.30 to 4.30 p.m. called "Back to the Future with Trees" at the Bank of Ireland Arts Centre, Foster Place, Dublin. One intriguing address there; "Trees for health: Ogham tree oils and essences." It's all go this week. Are you putting down a few trees yourself?