Production of Foie Gras

Sir, Compassion in World Farming (CWIF) was shocked to see last week's Irish Times magazine (December 9th) feature foie gras

Sir, Compassion in World Farming (CWIF) was shocked to see last week's Irish Times magazine (December 9th) feature foie gras. Foie Gras is known as the world's most expensive foods- bit it is also one of the cruelest. It is produced by force-feeding ducks and geese to unnaturally enlarge their livers, causing enormous suffering to the birds.

During force-feeding a metal tube is pushed down the bird's throat and food is then forced down the tube from a funnel. The amount of food (salted maize) increases each day until the birds are consuming the equilivilent of a human being made of eat 28Ibs of cooked spaghetti a day. By this stage the bird's liver will have swelled six to ten times it's normal size, making movement and breathing difficult.

The European Commission's own Scientific Committee on Animal Health and Welfare concluded that force-feeding is detrimental to the welfare of the birds. CWIF is calling for an immediate end to this cruel method of food production. Until then, we are asking Agriculture Minister Joe Walsh to ban the imports of Foie Gras and foie gras products into the Republic of Ireland and for all consumers to avoid it at all costs. Yours

Richard Hardy, CIWF- Ireland, Hanover St, Cork