Questioning climate change action

Sir, – Your article “Irish scientist questions climate change action” (Home News, December 21st) is yet another attempt to shut down informed debate on climate action.

Regrettably, Prof Peter Thorne appears not to understand the new crucial scientific evidence, extensively documented by Prof Bates, which fatally undermines the IPCC SR1.5 Report, The rebuttal also unwittingly exhibits the blinkered group-think that now pervades the IPCC.

We in the Irish Climate Science Forum ( fully support Prof Bates’s pioneering analysis, and regret that objective climate science has been sanitised from both the Citizens’ Assembly and Joint Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action.

The debate is not only about objective climate science, but also about whether we consequently seriously and unnecessarily damage the Irish economy or not. – Yours, etc,



Chair ICSF,


Co Dublin.