Rape Accusation in Cyprus

Sir, - The account of a false accusation of rape by an Irish woman in Cyprus is extremely disturbing

Sir, - The account of a false accusation of rape by an Irish woman in Cyprus is extremely disturbing. While my sympathy is with the families of those tainted by this unseemly incident the following point needs to be made.

The young woman in question by her false accusations has behaved in a way that cannot be condoned or excused. Apart from the fact that she almost ruined the lives and livelihoods of the young men whom she falsely accused, she has done Irish women in general a great disservice. It took the courage of many women, Lavinia Kerwick in particular, to stand up in court and face their attackers to make the judiciary and the Irish public take the rap of women seriously. I Feel that Ms Mangan has set back the clock on the progress that was achieved at considerable personal sacrifice by these women. - Yours, etc.,Dolores M.T. O'Meara,Clonlara, Co. Clare.