Spencer Dock proposal

Sir, - I refer to the advertisement on Page 3 of The Irish Times of January 20th

Sir, - I refer to the advertisement on Page 3 of The Irish Times of January 20th. Is it appropriate that you should carry such costly advertisements promoting a planning proposal which has already been severely modified by the Dublin Planning Authority and is currently before An Bord Pleanala?

Is it not fraudulent to suggest that a development is about to proceed when the proposal is about to come before an appeal board oral hearing?

How can the indigenous local people compete with such hugely expensive public misinformation strategy? The Spencer Dock developers first tried to buy out our homes and, having failed, they are now, courtesy of The Irish Times, using their superior financial power to marginalise our community.

While we welcome planning development through consultation and partnership, we do not need Spencer Dock to bring in a "thriving and vibrant community". The existing community is already that and has been since 1847. - Yours, etc.,


Marie O'Reilly, Chairperson, North Port Dwellers Residents' Association, Upper Mayor Street, North Wall, Dublin 1.