She cannot guarantee Croke Park can be used because it does not belong to her

She cannot guarantee Croke Park can be used because it does not belong to her. What kind of banana republic do we live in when we cannot provide two stadiums?- Mr John Byrne of the Football Association of Ireland criticises Ms Mary Harney's insistence that Croke Park should form a key part of any Irish bid for the 2008 European Championships

There is only one parliament still on the cattle-mart system of voting, and that's Westminster. It is one of the few things we are ahead of them on.

- Mr Des O'Malley of the Progressive Democrats on the introduction of electronic voting in the Dáil.

It was sickening to see him lying out there. The last time I saw him was to give him a lift into town a few weeks ago. He was a nice, easy-going and civil young fella.


- Mr Eugene Harper, a family friend, on the discovery of the body of schoolboy Brendan Rushe in Donegal bay

In a rural constituency like Kerry South, there's awful confusion. Now if we go out asking for a vote, people don't know if it's the general election or the abortion referendum. Some people think the general election is on next week.

- Independent TD Mr Jackie Healy-Rae explaining that he will not be canvassing for a Yes vote in the abortion referendum

The notion that the office of Attorney General is above politics is completely wrong. It is so anti-historical, anti the facts, I can't believe it, but it is constantly said in some way as if I am the DPP. I am not the DPP.

- The Attorney General, Mr Michael McDowell, responds to criticism of comments he made attacking Sinn Féin

I will convey my view that the majority of people do not wish to block enlargement, that we must proceed to ratify the Nice Treaty . . . and that it is our intention to work to that agenda.

- The Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, on what he plans to tell a meeting of the European Council

If the Taoiseach wants me to be a Cabinet minister he will have to bring me back into the parliamentary party. There is nothing impossible in politics.

- Ms Beverley Cooper-Flynn TD, who was expelled from the Fianna Fáil parliamentary party following her failed libel action against Charlie Bird of RTÉ

Does the Taoiseach agree it might be better if he visited more accident and emergency wards and fewer official openings of pubs in order that he might discover, first hand, what has gone wrong?

- The Labour Party leader, Mr Ruairí Quinn, speaking in the Dáil on the threat of industrial action by nurses

I want to emphasise that this is just in the very early planning stages. But if we're going to find revenues we have to think outside the box.

- A spokesman for New York's Mayor, Mr Mike Bloomberg, on the idea of selling Brooklyn Bridge to help cut the city's $5 billion budget deficit.