A selection of quotes this week from around the world, compiled by Sean Archbold.

A selection of quotes this week from around the world, compiled by Sean Archbold.

O'Connell (sic) knows nothing about a woman's body.

- A man in the porch of the Pro Cathedral during a Mass in which Cardinal Desmond Connell encouraged a Yes vote

Look, I'll tell you about the age thing - if he dies, he dies.


- Joan Collins (68), asked about the age gap between her and her new husband, Mr Percy Gibson (36)

No actual injury was inflicted on the victim other than the rape.

- Mr Justice Daniel Herbert, imposing a four-year suspended sentence on a convicted rapist

Most of us are totally fed up with all the agitation. We don't want to worry parents or worry the kids in the run-up to the exams. We just want to get on with our jobs.

- A south Dublin teacher talking about the latest industrial action by teachers

We knew that al-Qaida would have two choices, to run or stay and fight. It seems they have chosen to stay and fight to the last, and we hope to accommodate them.

- Gen Richard B. Myers, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, on the American-led offensive in the mountains of eastern Afghanistan, scene of some of the war's fiercest fighting

I did play rugby a couple of times. But when I found it meant running after the ball I decided against that.

- Former Taoiseach and leader of Fine Gael, Dr Garret Fitzgerald, of his scholdays at Belvedere College

It's them or us. This is war.

- Mr Ariel Sharon, Israel's Prime Minister, on the violence between Israelis and Palestinians

He should never have got a taxi licence. Everyone deserves a second chance, but not to be given a taxi licence. It's like putting a paedophile into a playground.

- The second sexual assault victim of the man at the centre of the X case condemning his 3½-year sentence as too light

Africa will not be recolonised.

- Mr Jonathan Moyo, Zimbabwe's information minister

Learn from us how to burn Muslims.

- Graffiti on a wall on the outskirts of Ahmedabad, the capital of India's Gujarat state, where more than 400 people have died in Hindu-Muslim clashes

I thought it would be a fun fling. I thought, whatever, I am young, he's the president, he's cute, it's irresponsible but it's cool.

- Ms Monica Lewinsky, on her feelings preceding her affair with Mr Clinton

The police service is going through probably the biggest transformation of any organisation, public or private, in western Europe in the middle of very difficult civil disturbances and in the midst of huge political controversy.

- The Northern Secretary, Dr John Reid

What else could I do. I miss my sons but there was nothing to eat.

- Afghan Mr Akhtar Muhammad, after he bartered two of his ten children for wheat to avoid starvation

You are denying me my basic human needs. You are depriving me of two hours of fresh air every day.

- Mr Slobodan Milosevic, complaining to The Hague about long courtroom hours