This Week They Said

I am eternally grateful to you, the Taoiseach, Tanaiste and members of the Government, as well as those who favoured me in the…

I am eternally grateful to you, the Taoiseach, Tanaiste and members of the Government, as well as those who favoured me in the recent Dail vote. The decision to make this request is mine and mine alone.

- Former Supreme Court Judge Mr Hugh O'Flaherty, withdrawing his candidacy for the post of EIB vice-president

He should have done it a long time ago; he is only taking the decision now to rescue his credibility.

- Mr Denis Riordan, the Limerick lecturer who brought judicial review proceedings against the Government over its decision to nominate Mr O'Flaherty


I feel that it is the right thing for him and the right thing for the country. I've nothing personal against Hugh O'Flaherty. He is a fine man with very fine qualities. But this was the wrong decision from the start.

- Senator Helen Keogh (FG). Ms Keogh left the Progressive Democrats over the decision to nominate Mr O'Flaherty

He is a big, tough man and he will withstand all the criticism that is being thrown at him.

- Wexford Fianna Fail TD, Mr John Browne, of his party colleague Mr Charlie McCreevy

A wife or husband has the right and possibly the duty not to stay in a seriously abusive relationship.

- Part of the foreword of a document on domestic violence published last weekend by the Irish Catholic Church

It was shocking. We knew something very bad had happened.

- Publican Mrs Hannah Griffin, who was serving customers as a car with an English family of five crashed nearby, killing four of them

If drivers cannot be persuaded not to drive at inappropriate high speeds . . . they must be deterred by stiffer penalties, including the possibility of losing their licences.

- Mr Michael Kemp, chief executive of the Irish Insurance Federation

It's not an everyday occurrence that you make a discovery like this.

- Australian fish wholesaler Mr Peter Monson after a human head was found "wholly intact" inside a 97lb Morgan Cod that was being prepared for sale

I believe I still have great energy and creativity but, after 10 years, it is time to give someone else a chance.

- Senator Joe O'Toole announcing his intention to step down as general secretary of the Irish National Teachers' Organisation

Heaven knows where and when this absolute madness, this butchery, is all going to end.

- East Derry Ulster Unionist MP William Ross, on 11-year-old Charlene Daly who was injured in a shooting associated with the continuing loyalist feud

I make no apologies for saying that I consider him to be one of the greatest Irishmen of the past 200 years - at all times, he has promoted the interests of Catholic, Protestant and dissenter, and I know it is breaking his heart to see the recent violence, the loyalist feud.

- Dr Joe Hendron on the SDLP leader Mr John Hume, who has quit the Assembly