This Week They Said

It's clearly a budget, it's got a lot of numbers in it.

It's clearly a budget, it's got a lot of numbers in it.

- US presidential hopeful George W. Bush

I'm not going to be treated as a second-class minister by the leader of the UUP - or, indeed, by Peter Mandelson or anyone else.

- Sinn Fein Minister of Education Mr Martin McGuinness, on David Trimble's attempt to bar Sinn Fein from North-South meetings


To nationalists, I would make this appeal. Don't overreact. Don't jump to conclusions . . . If you portray this as a recipe for collapse, it could well be a self-fulfilling prophecy.

- The Northern Secretary, Mr Mandelson, on Mr Trimble's plan

Having given people nearly six months to deliver on their promises I then had to spell out a graduated response of which the first step has been taken and other steps will follow.

- Mr Trimble

It was . . . an attack on the democratic process at a time when representative politicians are striving to reach accommodation on the way forward.

- The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Cowen, condemning Wednesday's bomb attack on Castlewellan RUC station

Things are very serious indeed. We are staring into the brink.

- The North's Deputy First Minister, Mr Seamus Mallon, on the peace process

I judged my choice of words badly and people were hurt, very badly hurt.

- Mary Ellen Synon, the Sunday Independent writer, in a front-page apology over her recent column on disabled athletes

If 19,000 children were dying every day in New York or Washington or London you'd call it a holocaust. But because it's Chad and Tanzania and Mozambique, you don't even call it a crisis.

- U2's Bono

Privatised transport systems are only marginally more popular than Anthrax.

- Martin Salter, Labour MP for Reading West

This is bloodlust. They want to do as much harm as possible to as many people as possible.

- Basque Nationalist Party politician on the killing by ETA of a supreme court judge, his police bodyguard and his driver

I will do all I can to try my best to hunt them down.

- Mr Ralph Bulger, father of Jamie Bulger, whose killers could be released within months

I was really frightened, really scared, and then I thought - I've two children grown up fine, I don't want to leave them yet, and I said to myself, maybe it's not my time, and that thought kept running through my head.

- Dr Deborah Brennan, the only Irish passenger on the Singapore Airlines flight that crashed killing 78 people

There is a God, there is a God.

- The family of Ms Layla Brennan (24), as Philip Colgan (27) was sentenced to life for her murder. Colgan dumped Ms Brennan's body in the Dublin mountains

I feel deeply sorry for the relatives, I cannot believe I did this. But when I was smoking pipes of cocaine I went into a twilight zone.

- Mike Braxhoofden (23), the man who killed three Irishmen in their flat in the Netherlands

The romanticism associated with the game is perhaps gone forever.

- India's Central Bureau of investigation, in its report into cricket corruption

If you want someone who smiles and looks the other way while special interests loot the surplus, I am not your guy.

- US Vice-President Al Gore