This Week They Said

If, in a crack cocaine case, a person can get a life sentence for possessing $400 worth of cocaine, this kind of offence ought…

If, in a crack cocaine case, a person can get a life sentence for possessing $400 worth of cocaine, this kind of offence ought to be a death penalty.

- Florida judge Wilkie Ferguson, sentencing three Irishmen to prison for arms smuggling

For that to be possible . . . Sinn Fein needs to resolve its relationship with the IRA, as Fianna Fail did in the past at the time of its formation.

- The Taoiseach, of speculation that Sinn Fein would take part in a government with Fianna Fail


As fundamental a part of the Good Friday agreement as the political arrangements or the North-South arrangements or any of the other factors.

- The Northern Ireland Deputy First Minister, Mr Seamus Mallon, stressing the importance to nationalists of the Patten proposals on policing

There will be no agreement if either tradition is forced away from the table.

- The Northern Secretary, Mr Peter Mandelson

We have victory. And they have lost. There is no dealing with them. We have support from the European Union. We have support from Russia. But the main thing is our own strength.

- Yugoslav opposition candidate Dr Vojislav Kostunica, after his victory in the presidential election

I say to Milosevic. You lost. Go. Your country and the world has suffered enough.

- The British Prime Minister, Mr Tony Blair

Remaining is the only guarantee for Milosevic to stay alive - not politically, but literally alive.

- Croation president Stipe Mesic

Sonia, you have made us all proud.

- The Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, of Sonia O'Sullivan's Olympic silver medal.

I couldn't wait to cross the line to end four years of expectation. I have felt the pressure from the Australian people.

- Cathy Freeman, the first Aborigine to win an Olympic gold medal

Being kind to people came before any political programme. Theresa Ahearn put that belief into practice.

- The Fine Gael leader, Mr John Bruton, at the funeral of the South Tipperary FG TD, Theresa Ahearn

I thought of the Titanic. The boat sank in about half an hour. There were old women and others afraid to jump into the sea.

- Stamitis Delavinias, survivor of Wednesday's Greek ferry disaster

Working with the laity is no longer an optional extra in parish ministry. It is the standard model nowadays, par for the course.

- The Catholic Primate, Dr Sean Brady

I hope we haven't disappointed you too much. And if we have, I'm sorry.

- Mo Mowlam's parting words to the Labour Conference at Brighton

It's always important to be realistic and accept that life is hard and all anyone can do is contribute in some way to helping somebody else, rather than believing idealistically that you can change the world.

- Ms Olive Braiden, the outgoing director of the Rape Crisis Centre