This Week They Said

This didn't have to happen. - Virginia Tech shooter Cho Seung-Hui in a rambling video sent to NBC Television.

This didn't have to happen. - Virginia Tech shooter Cho Seung-Hui in a rambling video sent to NBC Television.

When we read Cho's plays, it was like something out of a nightmare.

- Ian MacFarlane, a former classmate of Cho's, describing two "twisted, macabre" plays submitted by Cho to a writing class.

To those who want to try to make this into some little crusade, I say take that elsewhere.


- Virginia governor Tim Kaine after the Virginia Tech shootings reignited the battle over gun control.

It's as if a volcano erupted here.

- Akram Abdullah, who owns a shop close to the scene of a bomb attack in Baghdad this week.

If you have ever wondered why your eyes start glazing over as you read those dot points on the screen, at the same time as words are being spoken, it is because it is difficult to process information if it is coming in the written and spoken form at the same time.

- Prof John Sweller, author of a new study on business communication, asking whether the ubiquitous "power point" presentation is pointless.

There are signs now that housing output has reached its peak.

- Tom O'Connell, head of the Central Bank's economic department, as the bank predicts that economic growth this year will be lower than it had originally expected.

What kind of house could you buy for €205,000?

- Consultant P.J. Breen commenting after the Irish Hospital Consultants' Association rejected a Government offer of a yearly public contract of €205,000.

We know that these are Iranian-origin weapons that have shown up in the hands of the Taliban.

- US assistant secretary of state Richard Boucher alleging that Iran is secretly arming the Taliban.

We must all hope and pray there is rain.

- Australian prime minister John Howard as the country faces its worst drought in more than 100 years.

I don't think of it as breaking down barriers for women in sport. I do it for the same reason any bloke does: I love football.

- Jacqui Oatley, who will today become the first female commentator in the history of the BBC's Match of the Day.

They have all moved right except me.

- Jean Marie Le Pen, leader of France's extreme-right National Front party, saying that the country's political establishment has adopted his anti-immigrant policies.

We know in our hearts and souls we will never neglect our patients.

- Irish Nurses' Organisation vice-president Sheila Dickson as nurses continue their industrial action.

We do not use the phrase "war on terror" because we can't win by military means alone, and because this isn't us against one organised enemy with a  clear identity and a coherent set of objectives.

- Hilary Benn, Britain's international development secretary, after the UK dropped the phrase "war on terror".

Look, I believe in the mission of this organisation, and I believe I can carry it out.

- World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz responding to calls for his resignation after he arranged an unusually large pay rise for his partner.