This Week They Said

Isn't it ironic I'm out there with many more people, trying to stop people from different religions shooting each other and others…

Isn't it ironic I'm out there with many more people, trying to stop people from different religions shooting each other and others are getting wound up about how they participate in their church services?

- The Taoiseach, Bertie Ahern, on the controversy which followed the President, Mrs McAleese, receiving Communion in a Church of Ireland cathedral

I'm not desperate . . . I'm determined. It takes courage to move things forward.

- Northern Secretary Mo Mowlam, defending her decision to meet loyalist prisoners in the Maze yesterday


Those who have the power to kill have a louder voice than those who have suffered as victims.

- Belfast-based group Families Against Intimidation and Terror on the meeting

If we had control, I wouldn't be sitting here today. I'd be fulfilling my duty to escape.

- The IRA leader in the Maze, Padraic Wilson, on suggestions that prisoners were running it

Bobby did not die for crossBorder bodies with executive powers, he did not die for nationalists to equal British citizens within the Northern Ireland state.

- Bernadette Sands McKevitt, sister of hunger-striker Bobby Sands, who denounced the peace process as a deception

It's her decision - and good luck to her.

- Minister for Foreign Affairs, David Andrews, on Dr Mowlam's visit

Personally, of course, I do not want to see any more fall on the head of Charlie Haughey. He's a good man who served the country well, and I think he's taken a heck of a lot of knocks and he is getting older.

- The Taoiseach, asked if he was worried the Moriarty tribunal would bring further revelations about the financial position of his former leader

His own party wouldn't put him up for President. I don't think he represents what IrishAmericans are about. He can lead the parade in Roscommon or in Longford if he wants.

- The chaplain of the New York St Patrick's Day parade, Mgr Tom Leonard, who has resigned from the parade's organising committee in protest at the selection of Mr Reynolds as this year's grand marshal

You're all right in theatre criticism, safe as houses. I know nothing about theatre, but I might return to political journalism.

- Thriller writer Frederick Forsyth

David Frost, Paul McCartney, Cliff Richard and now Elton John. Doesn't it make you glad to be a plain mister?

- J.E. Gardner of Winchester, England, in a letter to the Daily Telegraph

My dream is to die violently without realising it - like James Dean.

- French rock'n'roller Johnny Hallyday

It was inevitable the Titanic was going to set sail but that does not mean it was a good idea to be on it.

- Tory Party leader William Hague, defending his policy that Britain should not consider joining the European single currency for 10 years

I am a terrorist and I am proud of it.

- Ramzi Ahmed, architect of the World Trade Centre bombing, before he was sentenced to 240 years in prison

At the risk of a horrible mixed metaphor, we can say that the Celtic Tiger needs a human face and a human heart.

- The former Catholic primate of all-Ireland, Dr Cahal Daly

In real life nobody "solves" their problems, their problems just become part of their history.

- Veteran scriptwriter Wesley Burrowes