This week they said

The Blackest Day - From the front page of the Limerick Leader as it is announced some 1,900 jobs are to go at the Dell computer…

The Blackest Day - From the front page of the Limerick Leader as it is announced some 1,900 jobs are to go at the Dell computer factory. It is feared the transfer of production from the midwest to Poland could devastate the local economy.

They've used this recession to close the place. - Dell worker Denis Ryan as the lay-offs are announced in Limerick.

Impact members can be absolutely certain that if they see me walking in and out of Government Buildings it is emphatically not to discuss pay cuts. - Impact general secretary Peter McLoone, in an e-mail bulletin. The country's biggest public service union said it will not consider pay cuts as the Government and trade unions prepare to discuss a major renegotiation of the social partnership deal.

Unfortunately, we have not yet seen the worst month. - Rossa White of Davy stockbrokers as the unemployment rate reaches a 10-year high of 8.3 per cent.


I felt humiliated, betrayed, disrespected and disregarded. - Richard Batista from New York, who has demanded his estranged wife return the kidney he donated or pay him $1.5 million.

I have not gone into politics to make money. - Fianna Fáil TD Beverley Flynn says she will no longer accept her controversial €41,000 annual payment, awarded to Independent TDs.

We are focusing on the rational, not the paranormal. - Dale Vince, of UK wind-power company Ecotricity, responds to eyewitness claims that a UFO destroyed one of its turbines.