This Week They Said

We cannot afford one response in the North and another in the South

We cannot afford one response in the North and another in the South. I expect and am calling for a united and not a partitionist approach. Everyone needs to rise to the occasion, if we are all to get the full benefit of the agreement.

- The Taoiseach, Bertie Ahern, on the May 22nd referendum

Lifelong friends are split, council colleagues are split, even Forum group members are split. My great fear is that unionism has the potential at this time to literally pull itself apart.

- Northern Ireland Forum member John Hunter, on the peace deal


We have just heard that David Trimble won the vote at the Ulster Unionist Party meeting . . . Well done, David.

- Gerry Adams, speaking to the Sinn Fein ardfheis

The IRA exists to challenge the foreign occupation of our country. It is not and should never be used as a militia to sort out internal discussions in the republican movement.

- Joe Dillon, of the 32 County Sovereignty Committee and Sinn Fein expellee, in an apparent reference to fears that the Provisional IRA leadership may move against the committee

I say to you that we cannot, as the largest organisation in this country, shirk our responsibility or role in achieving and contributing to peace . . . I believe we must now play our part in the evolution of peace and equity, even if it means some risk.

- GAA president, Joe McDonagh, on the organisation's plans for a special congress to debate the abolition of Rule 21

While we're all very dependent on technology, it doesn't always work.

- Bill Gates, when Windows 98 crashed on him during a public demonstration

I dislike this idea that if you're a black person in America then you must be called an African-American. I'm not an African. I'm an American. Just call me black, if you want to call me anything.

- Actress Whoopi Goldberg

She was just different. She was a woman. The others were girls . . . I just went for her in a big way. That was it. We never looked back.

- Sir Paul McCartney, on his wife Linda McCartney, who has died

He will be remembered with deep thankfulness for a life lived so powerfully within the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

- The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr George Carey, on the death of Archbishop Trevor Huddleston, who campaigned against apartheid in South Africa for much of his life

We who fought so hard for the liberation of our country are stunned by this tragedy . . . Maybe there is no rainbow nation after all because it does not have the colour black.

- President Mandela's former wife, Winnie Madikzela- Mandela, at the funeral of a black baby reportedly shot dead by a white farmer

He consumes about five meals a day. He is stubborn, opinionated, cranky, bossy, he's himself.

- Frank Sinatra's daughter, Tina, on rumours he's at death's door

Remember, there is a special place in hell for those who deprive widows and orphans.

- Imelda Marcos, widow of the former Philippine dictator, Ferdinand, in a warning to journalists she accused of ridiculing her

I think Kiriyenko will be elected . . . and Russia will be no better or no worse off. He is young and rich, though, so he might need to steal less than the others did.

- MP Alexander Vengerovsky, before the Duma vote to elect Sergei Kiriyenko prime minister.