This Week They Said

The two of us side by side, wouldn't that make a lovely picture, Jim?

The two of us side by side, wouldn't that make a lovely picture, Jim?

- George Redmond, the former planning official, to James Gogarty, as they left Tuesday's Flood tribunal session

I don't have a bank account in the Isle of Man.

- Mr Redmond, in a Sunday newspaper interview a week be- fore his arrest for bringing home £300,000 from the island


I don't need to say anything. Sure you'll make it all up.

- Mr Redmond, asked to comment on his arrest

It would be both hypocritical and insincere on my part to offer the apology which you demand and I do not propose to make such an apology.

- Garrett Cooney SC to Mr Justice Flood

The new rule is: if anyone says it's a racial incident, then it is. Don't piss about.

- Sir Paul Condon, Metropolitan Police Commissioner, before the publication of the Macpherson report on the death of Stephen Lawrence

Bill Clinton is a cold bastard who might have been killed if he had not been governor of Arkansas.

- Juanita Broaddrick (56), who alleges the president raped her in 1978

You know how they say "never say never"? Well, never.

- Oprah Winfrey, asked if she'd run for president

I want a just vengeance. God allows me a vengeance. He allows me to feel like this because my wife of 40 years contributed to this country by having three fine children. These people ["Real IRA"] destroyed that.

- Laurence Rush, whose wife died in the Omagh bomb

Some really earth-shaking decisions are being made: these are really decisions between war and peace.

- US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, on the Kosovo peace talks

In his work as a public representative and as a university lecturer, Dr Upton was a tireless campaigner on behalf of others. He will be sadly missed.

- President McAleese on the late Dr Pat Upton TD

We win, but we still lose because we don't have him with us.

- Mary Verrette, on the conviction of John William King for the murder of her brother, James Byrd jnr, in Texas