This Week They Said

It will not, unfortunately, bring the dead of Omagh back to life..

It will not, unfortunately, bring the dead of Omagh back to life . . . It will, therefore, not affect the unrelenting determination of the two governments to pursue the perpetrators of this and other crimes, and bring them to justice. - The Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, in a restrained welcome for the "Real IRA" ceasefire declaration

The British may hope that by co-opting some within the wider republican family into accepting British sovereignty and places in the British administration they have secured their rule in Ireland. We pledge to intensify our efforts to dash those hopes . . . - Part of a 32-County Sovereignty Movement statement, a political group associated with the "Real IRA"

Not knowing her last moments, her last words, did she call for us, that haunts me. But most of all not knowing where they left her is destroying me. - Helen McKendry, whose mother, Jean McConville, disappeared after she was abducted in 1972 by the IRA, leaving behind 10 children

There will still be efforts by the enemies of peace to break your will, to get you to turn back, to get you to lose faith. Don't do it, don't do it. Remember what it was like when you were here on this day. - President Clinton in Limerick


He is completely alone. He must feel a profound lack of control . . . to have won reelection to the presidency and then face the possibility of extinction is something he was not prepared for. - A former White House aide, Bill Curry, after Mr Clinton's return to the US

If he was distracted, he hid it very well. Everywhere he was, you could see a real concentration. Distracted people don't ad-lib very well. - Daniel Mulhall, of the Department of Foreign Affairs, on the President's visit

I thought he was a little tense early on, but he was very relaxed when we went out of public view. He is a very down-to-earth man. He asked me if I would caddie for him if he ever came back to Ballybunion, and I said that I gladly would. This has been the greatest day of my life. - Michael Scanlon, who acted as the President's caddie

America should let Bill Clinton back to doing his job even if he will always be remembered among presidents for one with a penchant for bonking trailer-park trash. - Actress Joan Collins

They were not all saints but there were saints among them. They lived hard lives, hard on themselves and sometimes hard on others. - The President, Mrs Aleese, on the Sisters of Mercy whom she met in Brisbane

Roy is one of the best players in the world. He does make a difference to us. Yes, of course, he does. I know it was a big plus to have him back. - Ireland soccer manager, Mick McCarthy, on Roy Keane's return to the squad in the Croatia clash

Before you string me up, please give us a chance. I am not about to destroy the traditions and health of the club. If I did, I would deserve to be strung up. - Manchester United chief executive, Martin Edwards, on the likely sale of the club to BSkyB

United will no longer be a football club, it will be a giant Old Trafford fruit machine. - Tommy Docherty, former Manchester Utd manager

Rupert Murdoch will rape and pillage Manchester United. - Andy Walsh, chairman of Manchester United Independent Supporters' Association

So he bit some guy's ear off. He's done his time and he's good for boxing. - Lloyd Honeyghan, sup- porting Mike Tyson's application for a new boxing licence