This Week They Said

Being arrested was the hardest part. It was terrifying

Being arrested was the hardest part. It was terrifying. I've always known an awful lot about what has happened to people through the years and I thought "Am I going to be tortured here? Am I going to be abused? How am I going to be treated? Will they slam the door and lock me up?"

- Elaine Moore, on her return to Dublin after British authorities dropped terrorist charges against her

I don't want his sorrow. I've lost a professional young man, my beautiful son. I feel today as if a steamroller has run over me. We've kept going on throughout this. But we have nothing and we still don't have our son.

- Eileen Jones, on Garda Martin Shankey-Smith, whose sentence for a drink-driving incident in which her son, Alan, died, was rescinded on appeal


A bad joke, that shows the true face of Benjamin Netanyahu: no to peace, no to fresh hope.

- Labour Knesset member Yossi Beilin, on the appointment of Ariel Sharon as Israeli Foreign Minister

Paul Gascoigne will die young if he doesn't change his lifestyle very quickly.

- British addiction counsellor Steve Jacobs, on the footballer's drink problem

I'm free to love and serve again.

- Imelda Marcos, after her acquittal by the Philippines Supreme Court of corruption charges

Well, we are where we were in the morning, which is where we were yesterday.

- Richard Holbrooke, the US envoy to Belgrade, on his talks with Slobodan Milosevic, shortly before the Kosovo breakthrough

The heat is still on . . . We will be looking for clear indications of actions . . . moving forces back to their barracks . . . lifting the heavy-handed repression from the backs of the civilian population.

- Holbrooke

Copies of my book are on sale in the lobby.

- Holbrooke plugs his book, To End A War, during his announcement of the deal in a Belgrade hotel

You don't even let me sneeze! Can you see how the President's health is? Well, here I am.

- Boris Yeltsin, commenting on press reaction to his early return from a trip to central Asia

She is a goddess. I am in love with her.

- Newsnight presenter Jeremy Paxman on the British Shadow Health Secretary, Ann Widdecombe

My latest obsession is accessories becoming clothing - a skirt that becomes a bag, a backpack that becomes a vest.

- Miuccia Prada, Italian fashion designer

Alan Black was shot first and the others just fell on top of him. They lay in a pile on the road like dogs.

- Beatrice Worton, recalling the 1976 Kingsmill, south Armagh, massacre in which her son, Kenneth (23), along with 11 others, died

I'm still in the learning stage. - Michael Owen, England and Liverpool footballer

I'm not coming in here saying this was a great win tonight. We expected to win. It was expected. I've been listening to it all week that we are going to get a handful of goals. In the end we got five and it's a good victory. Can't do any more.

- Ireland soccer coach Mick McCarthy, on his team's defeat of Malta

He has two chances - slim and no chance. And slim is out of town.

- Boxing promoter Don King, on Lennox Lewis's chances of beating Evander Holyfield in the proposed world title fight