This Week They Said

This is accountancy, not a health service.

This is accountancy, not a health service.

- Dr David Lillis, on the decision to reduce beds in University College Hospital Galway

I have struggled against tyranny. I didn't do that in order to substitute one tyranny with another.

- Archbishop Desmond Tutu, on the ANC's attempt to sup- press the Truth Commission report


I was very blunt with her. I even said if she were my sister I'd take that guy behind the house and break his nose, and she was real sweet about it.

- US Democrat Mr Joe Moran, on Hillary Clinton's at- tempt to change his mind on her husband's impeachment

Once we were respected and appreciated by our communities for the services we provided.

- General secretary Peter Bunting at the National Bus and Rail Union conference

I used to be good at it when I was younger. Can you show me some tricks, please?

- Queen Elizabeth to yo-yo expert Bradley Bagalo (13)

Any attempt to deny Senator Pinochet immunity will open up the prospect of the queen being extradited from America to Argentina for the murder of Argentinian nationals killed in the Falklands or to Ireland for the murder of Irish citizens in Gibraltar.

- Pinochet's QC Clive Nicholls

Clubs are like football - a mad male disease.

- Tory MP Teresa Gorman, on London's Carlton Club which has voted against admit- ting women

This is not gonna be a joy ride for Senator Glenn. He is very, very heavily loaded with lots of experiments.

- Fellow crewman Pilot Steve Lindsey on veteran astronaut John Glenn's return to space

People, particularly young girls, have to be able to walk the streets of Dublin, whether in the morning, evening or night.

- Judge Frank O'Donnell

She was poisoned to death while in the care of a major hospital.

- Mr John Gleeson, whose wife, Geraldine, died in the National Maternity Hospital

This party is perceived as an all-male bastion; that should change so that our public image reflects our membership and our electorate more accurately.

- Part of a motion put to last weekend's Ulster Unionist conference

We have as much chance of occupying half the seats on that platform as I have of being Bill Clinton's next conquest.

- UUP delegate Ms Elaine McClure speaks to the motion

I have gone through it knowing that we remain, and always will remain, close friends with the McCartneys.

- Dr Conor Cruise O'Brien, who resigned this week from the UK Unionist Party

Farmers have no right to disrupt my city.

- Dublin MEP Bernie Malone on the farmers' demonstration on Wednesday

She is not bloody Molly Malone, she is Bernie Malone and it is our city too and we will go and show her that we have as much right to protest as building labourers or anyone else.

- A Tullamore farmer responds

I am defined by the world as a talk-show host. But I am a spirit, connected to the greater spirit.

- TV talk-show host Oprah Winfrey

I use the phrase: "Yesterday's history, tomorrow's a mystery but today's a gift".

- Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson, on words that help her cope