Wewill burn [East Timor] down and start all over again . . . We are ready to go to the jungles for 20 years.
- The pro-Jakarta militia leader, Herminioda Silva Costa
I appeal to the international community to help this heroic, this brave, but so defenceless people. Help to stop the violence . . . the killing, help to save lives, children's lives . . . everyone. The destruction taking place . . . is to persuade East Timor to be slaves for ever.
- The East Timor resistance leader, Xanana Gusmao, after his release from prison on Tuesday after six years
If this is not the way forward, I simply do not know what is.
- Chris Patten, of his report on the future of policing in Northern Ireland
This [Mr Patten's report] is similar to a charter to try and make the banking system more acceptable to bank robbers.
- DUP Assembly member Gregory Campbell
A great insult to the RUC and the community . . . The most shoddy piece of work I have ever seen.
- Northern Ireland's First Minister, David Trimble, of the report
When he considers that remark . . . I don't think he will regard that as the wisest thing he has ever said.
- Mr Patten, of Mr Trimble's comment
She had very pretty ankles, little feet and pretty wrists. I think she took it as her due that you should flirt with her.
- Alan Clark, who has died, of Margaret Thatcher
Would you put Alan in charge of a nuclear weapon?
- Mrs Thatcher, asked why she did not put Mr Clark in her cabinet as Defence Secretary
It is better to play badly and win than play well and lose. One of the worst feelings in football is to go home knowing that you've been mugged.
- Ireland soccer manager, Mick McCarthy
It is the school's responsibility, showing us videos of men and women naked. After all, we are just children. We were told about how babies were made, but I was just interested in the sex part.
- A 14-year-old Sheffield schoolboy whose 12-year-old girlfriend is three months pregnant by him
Someone - perhaps Cherie - should take Tony aside and, after much clearing of the throat, explain to him about the birds and the bees.
- The author A.N. Wilson, after Mr Blair asked why young girls were getting pregnant
I wouldn't have wanted to go to my grave without Brian being properly buried. For years I've had nowhere to mourn him. Now I'll be able to go to his grave and talk to him. I'll have somewhere to bring flowers and to cry.
- Margaret McKinney (68), of her 22-year-old son, who was abducted, murdered and secretly buried by the IRA 21 years ago
A dispirited man showing no indication of the slightest optimism.
- The UK Unionist Party leader, Robert McCartney, of Senator George Mitchell
The senator was in good form all day. But, if there was a moment when he became dispirited, it was probably at the prospect of having to listen to Robert McCartney.
- Senator George Mitchell, in a statement issued through a spokesman
Yes, we're out to wreck anything that is going to destroy our province and fill our graveyards with Ulster's dead.
- The DUP leader, the Rev Ian Paisley, before his party met with Senator Mitchell