This Week They Said

If I may use a phrase I had never even heard of until I came to Northern Ireland: even the dogs in the street know there will…

If I may use a phrase I had never even heard of until I came to Northern Ireland: even the dogs in the street know there will be no decommissioning, no possibility of decommissioning, if Mr Trimble is rejected and if this process fails.

- Senator George Mitchell, concluding his review of the Belfast Agreement

Conflict must be for all of us now a thing of the past, over, done with and gone.

- Gerry Adams, Sinn Fein


The Ulster Unionist Party recognises and accepts that it is legitimate for nationalists to pursue their political objective of a united Ireland by consent through exclusively peaceful and democratic methods.

- Ulster Unionist statement

If any army hands up its arms, it is no longer an army. It should simply disband. The indomitable spirit of Irish republicanism will reassert itself as sure as day follows night.

- Republican Sinn Fein presi- dent, Mr Ruairi O Bradaigh, of the IRA

Give us the peace that the people of Northern Ireland so desire to see . . . and we will make the Celtic Tiger look like a pussycat in comparison.

- Owen Lamont, president of the Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce and Industry

I couldn't understand what they were saying to me at first . . . when they said rape. I said "I was never raped" . . . It didn't make sense.

- Ms Nora Wall, the former nun whose conviction for rape was quashed, of her reaction when arrested by gardai. The DPP is not to seek a retrial in the case

Dealing with the issue as a problem only feeds into public resentment, particularly in less well-off communities.

- Liz O'Donnell, PD, of remarks by the Minister for Justice, Mr O'Donoghue, about "cracking down" on asylum-seekers

The semi-detached member of Government, more than ever.

- Labour Party deputy leader, Mr Brendan Howlin, of Ms O'Donnell, who was the first to call for the resignation of Mr John Ellis from the agriculture committee

Don't forget that if there hadn't been a row in Ben Dunne's family . . . and if someone hadn't sworn a legal affidavit, the traitor and unrelenting leech on the poor on behalf of the rich, Haughey, would be lording it now in Kinsealy with mobs of slobbering media and other sycophants kow-towing to the Lord High King of the Celtic Tiger.

- The Workers' Party president, Mr Tom French

The Lord gives victory and man gives decisions. But we have to live with them. I did all that I could.

- Evander Holyfield, of his defeat by Lennox Lewis

I've really just said to them Turkey will think this tie is over. I'm sure they'll tell everyone at home it's going to be a hard game but, in reality, they'll feel they can do us there.

- Mick McCarthy, Ireland manager, before his team was knocked out

Mr Geary's story epitomises the unquenchable thirst of the human spirit for justice. It's about a man's determination, commitment and burning desire to clear his name.

- The Minister for Justice, Mr O'Donoghue, of Mr William Geary, the 100-year-old former Garda superintendent who successfully fought a 71-year battle to clear his name of bribery charges