This Week They Said

If you are asking me... that we need to face up to this problem sooner or later, and perform terminations in this country..

If you are asking me . . . that we need to face up to this problem sooner or later, and perform terminations in this country . . . I think that is something that obstetricians would feel extremely uncomfortable with . . . because . . . the people who would be asked to carry out the terminations are the gynaecologists.

- The Master of the National Maternity Hospital, Dr Declan Keane, at the Oireachtas abortion hearings

The threat to the faith is more anonymous and more subtle than either Nazism or Communism were. For today's secularism is seductive and persuasive.

- Cardinal Cahal Daly


A form of incitement to hatred.

- Statement from the Association of Irish Humanists on Cardinal Daly's remarks

This is wrong. We're being put out of our local because of them. We've been born and reared here. It's wrong. Pathetically wrong.

- Mr Jimmy Murphy, a Gardiner Street resident, after his local bar in Parnell Street was closed at the request of gardai following a disturbance between white and black people

The resentment is building and it is unbelievable. In the last three weeks in particular it has become very heated. In the last 48 hours alone I have got the height of abuse to see why I won't pull the plug on the Government.

- Mr Jackie Healy-Rae, south Kerry Independent TD, who has warned of "civil rum- pus" unless tougher policies on asylum- seekers are implemented

He was infected by products brought into this country from America. I want to know who brought them in, who made the decisions and if they knew they were contaminated or possibly contaminated, which I think they did. If they did, then they murdered my son.

- Mr Raymond Kelly, whose teenage son, John, died of AIDS, in his testimony to the Haemophilia tribunal

I think we are only getting the tip of the iceberg in relation to these donations and what is happening in political life. It is sad in some respects that it has to come down to tribunals to bring standards on politicians. But there were no standards, quite frankly.

- Mr Dick Spring, former Labour Party leader

I know probably better than most the sterling work he did along with Gerry Adams in establishing the peace process that offers us all an opportunity to create a better future.

- Mr Martin McGuinness, Sinn Fein, in a tribute to John Hume, who has received the Freedom of Derry

I really thought I was going to die.

- Formula 1 driver David Coulthard after his narrow escape when his private jet crashed