This Week They Said

We may one day have a gay or lesbian Taoiseach

We may one day have a gay or lesbian Taoiseach. I would hate to think that would mean that the State could not celebrate, in a dignified fashion, moments of great import in any church.

- Mr Ruairi Quinn, Labour leader, responding to criticism of the Taoiseach's decision to co-host the State reception for Cardinal Connell with Ms Celia Larkin

A lot of people have their views on it but it was a great night. I very much enjoyed it and so did Celia.

- The Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, denying there was any controversy during the reception for Cardinal Connell


The church, too, has a profound reverence for the home, designed by the Creator through marriage and family as the deep centre of human intimacy on which the whole future of our society depends.

- Cardinal Connell at the State reception in his honour, hosted by the Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, and Ms Celia Larkin

I find little point in saying that this was one of the worst cases to come before the court because my experience is that when I do that a worse case probably comes before me the following week.

- Mr Justice Carney, imposing a 15-year sentence on Wicklow carpenter Larry Murphy for the kidnapping, rape and attempted murder of a Carlow woman

Line-dancing is as sinful as any other type of dancing with its sexual gestures and touching.

- Head of the Free Presbyterian Church, Rev Ian Paisley, banning line-dancing from Free Presbyterian wedding receptions

This individual will not be on this planet, mocking us, lecturing us and heckling us and making fun of our children that he murdered. Don't worry.

- Mr Frank Keating, Governor of Oklahoma, insisting that the execution of Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh would eventually go ahead

I went to the AIB branch in Bantry and told them I did not own this money but I received another letter saying I did.

- Dr Mutasim Mohammed, who was mistakenly informed by AIB that he had £31.5 million in his account

In Northern Ireland, words can hurt, and too often, as we know, words can kill.

- Church of Ireland Primate Archbishop Robin Eames, calling on Northern Ireland politicians to avoid using inflammatory language during the UK election campaign

It was an unbelievably cruel thing to say and I meant every word of it.

- Mrs Bernadette McAliskey, recalling her comment in 1972 that she would not have a tear to shed if 26 British soldiers were killed in revenge for the 13 deaths on Bloody Sunday

I did my best.

- Singer Gary O'Shaughnessy after the Irish entry came third last in the Euro vision Song Contest

He told me to get stuffed.

- Mr Des O'Malley on Mr Charles Haughey's response to his call for an inquiry into the beef industry in 1991