This Week They Said

I'm not going to let Jamie's education come to a stop, and I'm not going to stop fighting for other people to have the rights…

I'm not going to let Jamie's education come to a stop, and I'm not going to stop fighting for other people to have the rights that they need.

- Ms Kathryn Sinnott on the overturning of the High Court ruling that her autistic son Jamie had a constitutional right to a primary school education after the age of 18

It's wrong, it's morally wrong.

- Mr Pat Matthews, executive director of the Irish Society for Autism, on the Supreme Court decision in the Sinnott case


I have nothing to get in any of this. I woke up one morning last week and asked myself, "What am I at?"

- Mr Denis `Starry' O'Brien, the Cork businessman who withdrew allegations that the Taoiseach Mr Ahern accepted a £50,000 bribe from him in 1989

Oh, do leave me alone.

- The Prince of Wales, asked if he planned to marry Camilla Parker Bowles

There was a huge element of naivete. Mowlam's attitude was, if we give them all these things and make them happy, maybe everything will be OK. It was as sophisticated as that.

- Mr David Trimble, UUP leader, referring to the former Northern Secretary's attitude to republicans

He'll join the big lads when he is old enough and he will walk down the Garvaghy Road.

- Ms Julie Matchett, talking about her seven-year-old son at the Orange Order's protest at Drumcree

I thought this day would never come.

- Mr Eddie O'Hanlon, the first farmer on the Cooley peninsula to start restocking his land with sheep after the foot-and-mouth crisis

We think it's in everyone's best interests that this take place . . . so we can once again focus on finding Chandra Levy.

- Washington police chief Charles Ramsey on the search of Congressman Gary Condit's apartment as part of the investigation into Ms Levy's disappearance

We got it wrong.

- The Minister for Defence, Mr Smith, on the Government's decision to withdraw its proposal to ban the publication of opinion polls within seven days of an election

There is an internal investigation under way and the results of this investigation will be conveyed to the parties concerned.

- A spokesman for Independent Newspapers (Ireland) on the alleged newsroom brawl between the Sunday Independent editor, Mr Aengus Fanning, and operations editor Mr Campbell Spray

I have always understood that the Taoiseach's wish was to go the full term.

- Tanaiste Ms Harney denying reports that there would be an autumn election

Now Ireland is losing faith. That is why he is asking me to come back.

- Filipino Mr Stanley Villavacencio, who claims he died and came back to life after an encounter with Jesus, speaking at a Mass in Kilcommon, Co Tipperary