Your company is now bankrupt, our economy is now in a state of crisis, but you get to keep $480 million

Your company is now bankrupt, our economy is now in a state of crisis, but you get to keep $480 million. I have a very basic question for you: Is this fair?- US congressman Henry Waxman grills Lehman Brothers chief executive Richard Fuld over the bank's dramatic collapse.

We're in extraordinary economic circumstances. We face stark choices. If we do not make the right ones, it will have catastrophic consequences for the future prospects of our economy- Taoiseach Brian Cowen ahead of the toughest budget in years.

We must restore confidence at a European level to the banking system- Minister for Finance Brian Lenihan as the banking crisis ripples throughout the Continent.

I can honestly say there was no walkout- Bertie Ahern dismisses the rumour he stormed out of then British foreign secretary Robin Cook's office in 1997 upon seeing a portrait of Oliver Cromwell in the room.


Some kind of incredulity, and then some kind of awe, and then some kind of joy and mirth- French writer Jean-Marie Le Clezio, winner of the 2008 Nobel Prize for Literature.

I sit there and I look back and I'm like, 'I'm a smart person. What the hell was I thinking'?- Britney Spears on her "lost year" of erratic behaviour.

A lot of people sitting on cash are happy to be sitting on cash at the moment- Hong Kong trader Andrew Sullivan as the markets meltdown continues.