Berkeley, Mitchel, Griffith: How far should ‘denaming’ go?

Berkeley, Mitchel, Griffith: when is it right to 'dename'?

Listen | 26:25
John Mitchel was one of the most extreme pro-slavery advocates of the American Civil War.

Earlier this year Trinity College Dublin announced it would “dename” its Berkeley Library because of the links to slavery of its namesake, 18th century philosopher George Berkeley.

The news sparked debate about when it is right to change the historic name of a building or institution.

Irish Times columnist Fintan O’Toole argues that the dozen or so GAA clubs named after 19th century Irish nationalist John Mitchel should also rename themselves, due to Mitchel’s support for slavery and his trenchant racism.

But if we start renaming things, how will we know where to stop? When is it necessary and when is it simply impractical? And why was John Mitchel such a racist, anyway?


Fintan O’Toole talks to Bernice Harrison.

Presented by Bernice Harrison. Produced by Declan Conlon. This episode was originally published in May 2023.

Bernice Harrison

Bernice Harrison

Bernice Harrison is an Irish Times journalist and cohost of In the News podcast