Controversial court sentencing: why the focus on Judge Martin Nolan?

Are our sentencing laws too harsh or too lenient?

Listen | 27:20
Judge Martin Nolan. Photograph: Aidan Crawley

Are our sentencing laws too harsh or too soft? Any opinion offered depends on who you ask. International research shows people tend to think sentencing is more lenient than it actually is.

Judge Martin Nolan is no stranger to controversy over some of his decisions. Social media users frequently criticise the Dublin Circuit Criminal Court judge for opting to fine some offenders while jailing others. Barristers take a more nuanced view and say much of the criticism is ill-informed.

In this episode Legal Affairs Correspondent, Mary Carolan, and Senior Counsel, Tony McGillicuddy, explain what happens in the courtroom and how the perception often differs from reality. Presented by Aideen Finnegan.