The rogue solicitor was jailed for stealing €18 million from the banks

Listen | 17:22
Celtic Tiger solicitor Michael Lynn, 55, was found guilty of stealing nearly €18m. Photograph: Collins Courts

Renegade solicitor Michael Lynn stole €18 million from the banks at the height of the Celtic Tiger property boom.

It took until this week for justice to be served, when Lynn was sentenced to 5½ years in prison.

After the sentence was handed down, the prosecution dropped a bombshell – gardaí believe the fraudster may still control some of the stolen money and suspect him of attempting to launder it here in Ireland.

Colm Keena was in court for the sentencing and he explains Lynn’s crime, how he evaded justice for so long and what will happen now. Presented by Bernice Harrison. Produced by Declan Conlon.

Bernice Harrison

Bernice Harrison

Bernice Harrison is an Irish Times journalist and cohost of In the News podcast