The strange story of Sergey Cherkasov, the spy who went to Trinity

The politics graduate is facing espionage charges in the US

Listen | 23:39
TCD graduate Sergey Vladimirovich Cherkasov (right, with parchment) who used the name of Victor Muller Ferreira as part of Russian covert activities

Russian spy Sergey Cherkasov spent four years deep undercover as a politics student in Trinity College Dublin. His classmates knew him as Victor Muller Ferreira, a Brazilian national, eager to further his education and his prospects in Ireland. Five years on from his graduation, Cherkasov is in Brazil serving a 15 year prison sentence for several counts of fraud.

The Trinity graduate is facing charges in the US, for acting as an illegal agent of the Russian intelligence service; in other words – a spy. Irish Times public affairs editor Simon Carswell explains how Cherkasov was busy making connections but unusually careless about leaving an information trail. A carelessness that finally caught him in the end.

This episode was originally published in March 2023.