The main arguments for and against the Family and Care referendums

Listen | 26:36

Posters on lamp posts on Dublins merrion Square outside Government Buildings calling for a Yes Vote in the Family and Care Constitution Referendums. Photo: Alan Betson /The  Irish Times
Posters on lamp posts on Dublins merrion Square outside Government Buildings calling for a Yes Vote in the Family and Care Constitution Referendums. Photo: Alan Betson /The Irish Times

This Friday, March 8th, Irish citizens will be asked to vote in two referendums.

This week’s vote was originally envisioned as a relatively straightforward step in updating the Constitution to better reflect the more diverse range of Irish families and remove an outdated reference to women’s position in the home.

However, after weeks of debate and legitimate arguments both for and against the amendments, many people are facing into Friday’s vote feeling more confused than when the campaign started.

What exactly are the “family” and “care” articles and what are we being asked to decide?


On today’s In the News podcast political correspondent Jennifer Bray outlines what people will be asked to vote on this Friday, March 8th and the implications of voting Yes or No in the upcoming referendums.

Presented by Sorcha Pollak. Produced by Aideen Finnegan.

Sorcha Pollak

Sorcha Pollak

Sorcha Pollak is an Irish Times reporter specialising in immigration issues and cohost of the In the News podcast