Electric vehicle prices are tumbling, but is it all good news for the customer?

Plus, Joe Brennan on businessman Denis O’Brien selling his majority stake in the Beacon Hospital.

Listen | 31:28
The cost of making batteries for electric vehicles is going down, which means car makers have started cutting their prices. Photographer: John Walton/PA Wire

The high price of electric cars has long been seen as a barrier for those looking to switch from the traditional combustion-engine car to an EV, but that is now changing with many car makers slashing their prices. But what is driving prices down and what impact will it have on the second-hand EV market here? Irish Times writer specialising in motoring Neil Briscoe explains.

And what of the broader picture for EV usage here, how do we compare to other countries and is charging infrastructure keeping pace? Brian Caulfield, Professor in Transportation & Head of Department at Trinity College Dublin gives his thoughts.

Host Ciarán Hancock is also joined by Markets Correspondent Joe Brennan to get some insight into Denis O’Brien’s business empire after he sold his majority stake in the Beacon Hospital.

Produced by John Casey. JJ Vernon on Sound.