‘We are out to provoke’ - Richard Boyd Barrett on policies, politics and trusting Sinn Féin

The PBP TD talks to Inside Politics about his party's political agenda

Listen | 56:21
Richard Boyd Barrett from People Before Profit at the launch of an evictions ban bill, at Buswells hotel, Dublin. Picture date: Monday February 20, 2023.

On this week’s Inside Politics podcast People Before Profit TD for Dún Laoghaire Richard Boyd Barrett talks to Hugh Linehan and Jennifer Bray about a pamphlet recently published by his party that set out its unashamedly radical politics and questioned how far the electorate could trust Sinn Féin to implement left-wing policies if in government.

On the Government’s decision to end a ban on evictions, a move ministers have said was in response to advice from the Attorney General, Mr Boyd Barrett insists the decision was “political, not legal” and that a coalition government featuring his party would allow the matter to be tested in court.

They also discuss Mr Boyd Barrett’s views on the need to nationalise industries, how to tackle the housing crisis and when it is appropriate to object to housing developments in a politician’s own constituency.