Have your say: Is raising PRSI to fund pensions fair on younger workers?

Workers can retire at 66 but they will have choice of working until 70 in return for a higher pension

A new ‘flexible’ system for the State pension will see working-age people pay more in PRSI through their lives. Photograph: iStock

A new ‘flexible’ system for the State pension will see working-age people pay more in PRSI through their lives. For older workers the prospect of retiring at 66 remains in sight but they will have choice of working until 70 in return for a higher pension.

Tell us how will you be impacted by this decision? Does the idea of younger workers paying more PRSI over their lifetimes for a pension at 66 seem fair? Would you work until aged 70 for an extra €60 per week on retirement?

You can let us know what you think using this form. Please limit your submissions to 400 words or less.

If you would prefer to remain anonymous, please indicate this in your submission – we will keep your name and contact details confidential. We will curate a selection of submissions for an article but please note we may not publish every submission we receive. Thank you

Higher State pension proposed for those who work beyond 66Opens in new window ]

PRSI hikes needed to keep pension age at 66, Minister saysOpens in new window ]