Seanad suspended for two hours as Minister of State becomes unwell

Peter Burke, reported to be ‘feeling lightheaded’, brought to hospital as a precaution

File photograph of Leinster House. Photograph: Bryan O Brien

The Seanad was suspended for a number of hours on Wednesday after a Government minister became unwell and medical help had to be called.

Minister of State for Housing Peter Burke was due to take committee stage of water-related environment legislation when he was reported to be feeling light-headed.

Mr Burke, who has special responsibility for Planning and Local Government, was about to enter the Upper House chamber when colleagues reported he suffered a drop in blood pressure, briefly affecting his sight.

A doctor was called and Oireachtas staff stayed with him for some time in the Seanad ante-chamber until ambulance paramedics arrived to take Mr Burke to hospital “purely as a precaution”.


The 40-year-old Longford-Westmeath TD was due to deal with Water Environment (Abstractions and Associated Impoundments) Bill. The Minister, a chartered accountant by profession, was first elected to the Dáil in 2016.

Senators waiting in the chamber for the 4pm start of the debate were subsequently alerted to the delay in proceedings. When business resumed two hours later, they discussed a motion on vaping, calling for it to be banned for anyone under 21.

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran is Parliamentary Correspondent of The Irish Times