Local Elections: Longford County Council results

Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael candidates win all but two of the local authority’s 18 seats

Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael shared 16 of the 18 seats on Longford County Council in another strong showing for the Coalition partners.

Things were tense from the get go in Ballymahon, with outgoing Cathaoirleach Paul Ross (FG) topping the poll and exceeding the quota on the first count.

However, two recounts followed – the first after count four when Gerald Farrell (Ind) was eliminated, losing out to Seán Mimnagh (FF) by one vote. The second was after count six when John Rooney (SF) lost out to incumbent Colm Murray (FG) by one vote. No discrepancies were found in either recount and the results were confirmed.

Mick Cahill (FF) was elected on count five and the remaining seats were taken by his party colleagues Mr Mimnagh and Pat O’Toole, Independent Mark Casey and Fine Gael’s Martin Skelly, who trumped his incumbent colleague Mr Murray.


Things started swiftly in Granard, with outgoing councillors Garry Murtagh (FG), Turlough ‘Pott’ McGovern (Ind) and Paraic Brady (FG) elected on the first count.

Paul McNamara (FG) was the next councillor home but not until count seven. David Cassidy (FF) at that stage
unexpectedly surged ahead of outgoing councillor Colin Dalton (FG), overtaking him by just four votes and nabbing a seat that Fine Gael was certain it would claim.

That announcement, made close to 5am on Monday, resulted in Fine Gael requesting a full recount. Shortly after 9pm on Monday it was announced that no discrepancies had been found and Mr McNamara and Mr Cassidy were officially elected.

In Longford, things ran far more smoothly with outgoing councillors Gerry Hagan (FG), Martin Monaghan (FF), Seamus Butler (FF) and Peggy Nolan (FG) soaring past the quota to keep their seats.

A waiting game then began with nobody elected for 13 counts. However, all three remaining seats were then filled by newcomers Niall Gannon (FG) and Kevin Hussey (FF) and outgoing councillor Uruemu Adejinmi (FF).

The question now is how Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael negotiate the balance of power on the council and whether the two Independent councillors join forces with either party.

Ballymahon: 6 seats

Granard: 5 seats

Longford: 7 seats

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