Ukraine arrivals from next March would not be offered accommodation under new plan

Additional options include introduction of ‘maximum stay’ rule focused on exiting Ukrainians who have been in State accommodation for the longest time first

Ministers were told an examination of 'policy levers' is under way to reduce the numbers of Ukrainians staying in State accommodation. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill / The Irish Times

New arrivals from Ukraine would not be offered accommodation from next March, under proposals being developed by senior Government officials.

The measure is one of a range being explored as the State tries to reduce the numbers of Ukrainians living in publicly funded accommodation over the coming months.

It is understood that other options being considered by officials include the introduction of a new “maximum stay” rule focused on exiting Ukrainians who have been in State accommodation for the longest time first.

Cabinet Ministers were told last week that an examination of “policy levers” is under way to reduce the numbers of Ukrainians staying in State accommodation and incentivise moves to independent living. A list of possible measures being discussed by senior officials also includes ending accommodation for Ukrainians who earn above a certain threshold, informed by economic profiling.


The measures under consideration have been discussed by senior officials but have not yet been widely circulated among Ministers and have not been discussed by the Cabinet committee on Ukraine, which deals with accommodation for asylum seekers and refugees.

The number of Ukrainians in accommodation supported by the Department of Integration has fallen significantly in recent months to 35,833, compared with 58,830 a year ago.

Ukrainians automatically benefit from a temporary protection directive that allows them to live and work in the European Union. This directive is due to end in March 2026, and preparations are under way for this at official level.

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The Government has taken a range of steps to bring it in line with other countries’ offering to Ukrainians in recent months, including cutting welfare payments and limiting accommodation to 90 days for new arrivals.

Officials are also considering removing the right to re-enter State accommodation if a bed offered under the pledged scheme breaks down or someone returns to Ireland from a period abroad.

More options may be brought to the table, and a blend of those under consideration may be pursued if they garner political approval, it is understood.

It has also emerged that the exchequer is making top-up payments to thousands of Ukrainians in State-provided accommodation after their welfare was cut to a level below that needed to purchase food in hotels. The Government agreed in May to reduce welfare payments to all Ukrainians in serviced accommodation to €38.80 per week for an adult and €29.80 for a child.

However, the Department of Integration confirmed that where Ukrainians are making a contribution towards the cost of their meals, they receive a supplement to defray the costs of €70 per adult and €35 per child.

According to figures released by the Department of Social Protection, some 5,067 people were in receipt of these lower payments in September.

A spokesman for the Department of Social Protection said almost 98 per cent of people living in designated accommodation centres such as hotels were liable for a contribution charge for food and other utilities. “Therefore, circa 98 per cent of people who receive the weekly payment receive the top-up,” the department said, which suggests 4,562 people were receiving the payment in September.

Not everyone who lives in accommodation centres is eligible for the weekly payment, as many are working. Those who arrived after March 2024 do not receive it either as they are subject to a different regime which sees all their meals and services paid for during a 90-day period of eligibility, after which they must leave State-provided housing.

Jack Horgan-Jones

Jack Horgan-Jones

Jack Horgan-Jones is a Political Correspondent with The Irish Times