Pop Corner

Ailbhe Malone salutes the new single from Stooshe

TRACK OF THE WEEK: Slip by Stooshe
Poor old Stooshe. Their album's been delayed again, and is now due out at the end of May. But how and ever, new single Slip is definitely on the right track. They've chucked the street sass of Betty Woz Gone , and left aside dodgy covers (we 're thinking Waterfalls ) in favour of a slick 1960s vibe.

Rita Ora's been explaining her unconventional dress sense to anyone who'll listen. She told Metro : "I like to be comfortable but I don't always take it into consideration. I really like latex clothes, for example. But latex dresses . . . people come up to me and go: 'Are you comfortable in that?' And I'm like: 'I don't care. How does it look? It looks good? All right, cool.'" Tell you what, Rita. Try and get a taxi back from a debs at the Red Cow Roundabout with no coat, and you'll soon be picking comfort over style.

Niall Horan's back on tip top form, telling the Sunday Life what he'd like in a girlfriend. Apparently, "A good sense of humour, nice eyes, someone who isn't too clingy and someone who's carefree, like me. " I like someone who likes to have a laugh basically. I like girlie girls but I'd also like someone who would come and watch football with me. It's also very hot if a girl can play an instrument." The Prince of Mullingar also showcased his guitar-playing skills in his hometown recently. Back in Westmeath for his brother's wedding, Nialler played an acoustic version of Little Things .

Nicole Scherzinger is calling for a return to glamour, reports Life magazine. Scherzy says: "I'm way better in person than I am on things like Twitter. I know Twitter is the best and fastrest way to connect with fans who really appreciate you, but I'm still not cool with it – although I am trying! I try my best but I'm a one-on-one person and I don't want to tell people I'm on the toilet or I just brushed my teeth." We're totally with you on this one, Nic.