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What properties sold for in Galway city

A selection of the prices sought and paid in the current market

Five-bed detached house in Salthill

5 Devon Court, Salthill

What: Five-bed detached house

For sale: January 20th, 2023, seeking €820,000

Sale agreed: October 10th, 2023, for €850,000

Sold: October 27th, 2023

37 Leas na Mara, Ballymoneen Road, Knocknacarra

37 Leas na Mara, Ballymoneen Road, Knocknacarra

What: Three-bed semidetached house

For sale: May 24th, 2023, seeking €290,000

Sale agreed: August 9th, 2023, for €300,000

Sold: October 31st, 2023

95 Cuirt Seoige, Bohermore

95 Cuirt Seoige, Bohermore

What: Two-bed apartment

For sale: April 19th, 2023, seeking €275,000

Sale agreed: May 26th, 2023, for €272,500

Sold: October 31st, 2023

14 Sycamore Drive, Highfield Park

14 Sycamore Drive, Highfield Park

What: Five-bed semidetached house

For sale: March 9th, 2023, seeking €455,000

Sale agreed: May 3rd, 2023, for €442,000

Sold: October 27th, 2023

62 Belmont, Dublin Road, Renmore

62 Belmont, Dublin Road, Renmore

What: Four-bed semidetached house

For sale: June 26th, 2023, seeking €395,000

Sale agreed: July 19th, 2023, for €394,000

Sold: October 27th, 2023

10 Seapark, Taylor’s Hill Road

10 Seapark, Taylor’s Hill Road

What: Two-bed apartment

For sale: August 24th, 2023, 2023, seeking €400,000

Sale agreed: October 6th, 2023, for €400,000

Sold: October 26th, 2023
