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The lighter side . . .

. . . with Mary Connaughton, chief executive, CIPD

Mary Connaughton: “CIPD is hosting a seminar to help workplaces get better at improving employee well-being and mental health.”

What business person do you most admire?

Siobhan Talbot, CEO of Glanbia, who is having real impact in leading a company she worked in for 20 years.

What is your guilty pleasure?

Red wine and chocolate. Separate or together.


How do you unwind?

With family and friends. Love cooking with my daughter Lisa and walking the dog, Mia – an adorable mutt who loves to dance on her back legs when she meets strangers.

How much money is in your wallet?

Just been to the ATM – €90.

The last book you read?

Kristen Hannah's The Great Alone on surviving in Alaska. Highly recommend it. I've just bought her other book The Nightingale and am looking forward to reading it

What is the best business advice you’ve ever been given?

Do what you say you will do. I’ve found it builds trust and shows integrity – as well as gets things done!

Who is the most famous person in your contacts list?

In the HR field, of course – thought leaders Dave Ulrich of University of Michigan and Peter Cheese of CIPD, on HR’s Most Influential Thinkers list 2018.

How do you manage your work-life balance?

It’s a struggle – so I try not to overcommit, don’t overbook the diary, walk whenever I can, and put the phone away in the evening so I get quality sleep.

The last film you watched?

Re-run of The Hobbit – loved it since I read the book 30 years ago.

What is your favourite possession?

My smartphone.

What’s your most memorable holiday ever?

Visiting Egypt and seeing the Great Pyramids. Definitely one of the seven wonders of the world – and I always point out that Newgrange is even older.

What social media do you use?

I'm a bit traditional with Twitter, LinkedIn and WhatsApp.

If money were no object, what would your fantasy purchase be?

Somewhere to live in a warm, exotic location, and, of course, the time and money to live there.

What is the first website you look at every morning?

The Irish Times of course, then the Guardian.

Are you an early bird or a night owl?

Definitely an early bird.

If you were Taoiseach for a day, what would you do?

Early-morning meeting on homelessness and housing to get urgency and actions in place. Then set up a campaign on workplace flexibility to progress issues such as women in leadership, working parents, attracting people back to work, and the gender pay gap.

What person do you most admire?

Mary Robinson – she continues to demonstrate great leadership and integrity.

What’s your favourite place in Dublin and why?

From my childhood, the Hell Fire Club where you can look over the city. I’m totally spoilt as my office fronts directly onto Grand Canal Dock. And as I continuously criss-cross the city, I always try to walk through our wonderful parks and gardens.

Anything you would like to plug?

There is a pattern here! CIPD is hosting a seminar to help workplaces get better at improving employee well-being and mental health. On November 13th, 2018, we will discuss how to combat the root problems causing poor mental health, such as unmanageable workloads, and how to know if well-being initiatives are having a positive impact on employees and the organisation's performance. Details are on cipd.ie.