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Project Ireland 2040: 10 strategic outcomes it seeks to achieve

Priorities build around the overarching themes of wellbeing, equality and opportunity

Strengthened rural economies and communities, and sustainable mobility are among the priorities of Project Ireland 2040. Photograph: iStock

Project Ireland 2040 seeks to achieve 10 strategic outcomes, building around the overarching themes of wellbeing, equality and opportunity.

These 10 shared priorities will ensure a consistent approach between planning objectives under the National Planning Framework and investment commitments under the National Development Plan.

They are:

  1. Compact growth
  2. Enhanced regional accessibility
  3. Strengthened rural economies and communities
  4. Sustainable mobility
  5. A strong economy, supported by enterprise, innovation and skills
  6. High-quality international connectivity
  7. Enhanced amenity and heritage
  8. Transition to a low carbon and climate resilient society
  9. Sustainable management of water and other environmental resources
  10. Access to quality childcare, education and health services