The Danes might have perfected hygge with their candles, comfort and conviviality but they have nothing on the cosy skills of the Irish. Most of us will remember “Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin” from our school days, but it’s a phrase that should be celebrated across the country, nay the world. There’s no place like home, it proudly decrees, and in February there’s nowhere nicer to be. Although many might feel it’s the worst month of the year – the Tuesday of months if you will – we think it offers the perfect opportunity to cosy up, settle down and really embrace the joy of staying in.

Emma Doran agrees. She loves a night in with the right snacks, her very specific place on the couch and the very best content from Sky & Netflix with Sky Stream:
- The big light has to be off, even though I’m a fan of the big light and I’m constantly being slagged in my house for leaving the big light on, when I’m sitting down to veg on the couch the big light has to be off.
- Blankie is next, but what I mean really is that the area I’m sitting on has to be prepared. So, I sit on the left-hand side of the couch, there is no romantic sitting beside each other in the middle of the couch. I sit one end, and Shane (her husband) sits the other end. I have a little table beside me with all my bits that I need so that I don’t have to get up. My area is secured and I have my blankie on, ready to go. My couch is my fortress.
- Attire is very important as well. Preferably in the pyjamas with the dressing gown on but if that’s not possible shoes are coming off at a minimum. Any shoes, belts, restrictive things are coming off. So pure comfort. Pyjamas is the ideal but if not, it’s soft clothing only.
- Snacks come next and they will be judged on a basis of what I’m watching. If I feel I’m tucking into my favourite show where I’ve been really waiting for the second series to come out, the good crisps and snacks will be taken out like artisan-esque treats. But if it’s guilty pleasure TV the food will match that as well.
- Timing is another crucial thing, because I have kids, but I think it’s also the case if you have a partner or housemates or whatever. I have to wait until it’s good timing. So the kids have gone to bed at whatever time and then I give it another half an hour. I tidy up because I don’t want to feel any guilt while I’m sitting down to enjoy something. I might throw some things in the dishwasher, throw a bit of bleach down the toilet, that kind of thing, just while I’m waiting out that half-hour window because I don’t want any interruptions. The timing is crucial because I don’t want to be disturbed. It’s bad enough if I’m disturbing myself by looking at my phone or whatever but I really don’t want someone else disturbing me. It’s quiet, we’re not going to be disturbed, let’s go.
Embrace the joy of staying in with Sky Stream. Award-winning shows from Sky and Netflix, without the hassle. No dish, no box, just plug in and you’re ready to stream over wifi.
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