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Join the many women who are already part of BreastCheck

BreastCheck is urging women aged 50 to 64 to join the nearly 500,000 women in Ireland who have already had a free mammogram as part of the programme

BreastCheck is urging women aged 50 to 64 to join the nearly 500,000 women in Ireland who have already had a free mammogram as part of the programme

Having a mammogram only takes about half an hour in total. If you’ve never had one and are curious about what happens at the appointment, watch the video above.

Visit to view what real women have to say about their personal BreastCheck experience. To join their conversation, make sure you're on the register and accept your invitation to screening when it arrives in the post.

The aim of BreastCheck is to detect breast cancer as early as possible.  Breast screening can show breast cancers at an early stage, when they are too small to see or feel. At this stage, breast cancer is easier to treat and there is a higher chance of a good recovery.

Make sure you are on the BreastCheck register


We advise all women aged 50 to 64 to make sure their name is on the BreastCheck register and that their details are correct. You can call Freephone 1800 45 45 55 or check online at

BreastCheck invites women aged 50 to 64 for a free breast x-ray (mammogram) every two years. Once your name is on the register, with the correct contact details, you will automatically be contacted by post when BreastCheck is screening in your area.

If your appointment time or date doesn’t suit, don’t worry – it can be easily rearranged. We really encourage every woman who receives an invitation for a mammogram to go for her appointment.

Age extension

BreastCheck is being extended to include women aged 65 to 69. By the end of 2021, all women aged 65-69 will be invited for free routine mammograms as part of the BreastCheck programme. Much of 2015 will be spent planning for the extension. Screening of the first women aged 65-69 will start in late 2015.

Ignoring appointments

Not all women aged 50-64 are going for their mammogram when invited and the numbers attending are dropping. In particular, younger women in their early 50s are ignoring or skipping their appointments. BreastCheck strongly encourages all women to attend when invited. An appointment only takes half an hour. It’s quick, it’s easy, it’s free and it might save your life.