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Health tip of the week

Relax, eat slowly and let your gut do its work

Potato skins contain a lot of fibre. Photograph: iStock

Looking after our gut health is something which shouldn't be too complex and while eating a good diet is vital, Sarah Noone, registered dietitian with the Irish Heart Foundation, says most of us eat too fast and don't move fast enough so we need to be aware of our speed in both areas.

She offers a couple of simple ways in which we can both slow down and speed up in order to maximise our gut health.

“Most people need to pace themselves and slow down at mealtimes,” she says. “Digestion starts in the mouth and chewing your food well is an important start. So try putting your knife and fork down between mouthfuls to help you slow down at mealtimes.

“But also try to be more physically active as this stimulates the muscles in the bowel to contract, helping to promote a regular bowel habit – and of course, regular physical activity also has so many other health benefits. It is recommended that we all get 30 minutes of physical activity five times a week but, if this isn’t possible, every little bit counts.


“So if you’re finding it difficult to be physically active, why not try incorporating shorter bouts, even 10 minutes, into your daily routine? This can be as simple as getting off the bus a couple of stops early or going for a short lunchtime stroll.”

Managing stress levels is also very important to gut health, so it is just as important to find time to unwind.

“As a dietitian, I often say nutrition is an important part of gut health, but stress management is a very important piece in the gut health puzzle,” says Noone. “So take time to relax – relaxation tapes, yoga, meditation or aromatherapy may help, but remember it’s whatever works for you.

“There are many ways to get more fibre into your diet including, always choosing a wholegrain breakfast, eating more fruit – you can do this by chopping a banana onto your cereal or adding fruit to salad – including vegetables at lunch or dinner and eating potato skins, which contain a lot of fibre.

“Seeds are also good as they contain lots of fibre so add to cereal, yoghurt or salads, eat dried fruit and nuts and always remember to drink plenty of fluids.”

Health Tip of the Week is sponsored by Pfizer as part of its HealthyTown initiative. Every year Pfizer selects a town to take part in a unique initiative aimed at showing you – no matter what age you are, or where you live – simple steps to improve your health; irishtimes.com/sponsored/healthy-town. For more information visit irishheart.ie