A few weeks into using Irish Life’s new health and wellbeing app MyLife, I can already see the difference it has made. I have exercised more in the past few weeks than I did in the previous six months, I am eating healthier and my sleep habits have vastly improved.
I put this down to the app’s unique Coach function. Never nagging but gently inquisitive, I found myself being especially candid in response to the Coach function’s highly personalised questions. Yes, I had felt stressed that day; no, I hadn’t taken time to meditate. We all know what we should do, but actually doing it is another matter entirely. Being answerable to someone, or something, helped me focus on maintaining a healthy mind as well as a healthy body. The accompanying advice got me thinking about some of my less-than-healthy habits too, and stuck with me long after I had logged out.
The app finds new ways to motivate you at every turn. One beeping notification informed me I had earned an achievement, having logged 250km of walking since I had signed up. Understandably, I was chuffed. Pitting myself against my friends got us all moving (and chatting) a lot more. The thousands of reward points I racked up (and can’t wait to trade for coffees and cinema tickets) also meant the experience was far more carrot than stick ... although there were lots of carrot sticks too.
My bedtime got progressively earlier as I considered the impact more sleep could have on my Health Score
That said, my monthly fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle targets weren’t always easy to achieve; I could drink less coffee, but I couldn’t promise not to snack at least once a day. But overall, they did spur me on to be a better version of myself. Those days I didn’t feel like going for a walk? I went anyway, eager to up my step count and nudge my Health Score even higher. My bedtime got progressively earlier as I considered the impact more sleep could have on my Health Score. I added tomatoes and cucumber to my lunch so that when the Coach enquired had I eaten some salad today, I could truthfully answer ‘yes’ and polish my invisible halo.
What was visible was the steady rise in my Health Score. The value is calculated based on physical, emotional and lifestyle factors – if I hadn’t been so honest when the Coach asked if I felt stressed, I am sure mine would be even higher. As I type, my Health Score is 640, which the app tells me is “Very Good” (547 being the current average among the app’s users). Over 680 is deemed “Excellent” – and shouldn’t we all strive for excellence? Back to the Coach I go.
Now, let's check in on my fitness buddies to see how they got on.

Mimi Murray: fit for 40
What was your ultimate goal in using the MyLife app?
I turned 40 recently and decided I really wanted to get more fit and healthy, it was now or never. With two small kids, that’s not always easy to achieve. I joined a gym and got a personal trainer but wanted more control over my own health and wellbeing, including diet, stress levels and overall health. I thought an app might help me track all of those things and keep me motivated. I’m one for the lists and reminders so I liked the idea of an app.
What aspects of your lifestyle were you most seeking to address - fitness, nutrition, sleep or stress?
All of the above. My sleep is not great and immediately I started to see a pattern in that with the app, and tried to figure out ways to address the number of hours I get per night. With nutrition, I can sometimes eat really well and then other times really poorly, so I wanted to keep an eye on that too.
What aspects of the app did you like the most?

I really like the Coach which gives you regular tips on how to improve your fitness, nutrition, stress and sleep. It asks questions like, did you eat any salad today, or how were your stress levels today and it then gives you tips on how to improve in those areas.
I also like that, when using a Fitbit, it can tell me how far I’ve walked and the number of calories I've burned.
Did the Health Score motivate you?
Yes, it definitely did, as I really do like to see an obvious improvement or result and as you become the best version of yourself that you can be, you see that number start to go up. It makes you want to keep going.
Did you like the online Coach? Were you honest with it?
Yes, I did. I was completely honest, and even in answering some of the questions, especially in relation to stress levels, it helped shine a light on areas I need to work on.
What sets this app apart from other fitness apps?
To be honest this is the first fitness app I have ever really used, and I’m very impressed with how it works.
How do you feel after using the app for several weeks – will you keep using it?
I have seen an improvement in several areas of my health and wellbeing, but especially in relation to my sleep. I now make sure to go to bed earlier and if I wake too early, which I had gotten into a bad habit of doing, I do everything in my power to go back to sleep to get those seven to eight crucial hours. I will definitely keep using it, it’s a great tool for life.

Natasha Duffy: fit for the wedding
What was your ultimate goal in using the MyLife app?
I wanted to get fitter, and I also had a wedding coming up where I was bridesmaid. I wanted to feel good in my dress and confident on the day.
What aspects of your lifestyle were you most seeking to address - fitness, nutrition, sleep or stress?
I would say fitness and nutrition, but it ended up helping my sleep as well.
What aspects of the app did you like the most?
My favourite part of the app was the Coach. It was really great to get little nudges throughout the day such as reminders to drink more water.
Did the Health Score motivate you?
Yes! I quite like games, so it made me more competitive with myself. It also gave me the motivation to put in an extra few steps each day.
Did you like the online Coach? Were you honest with it?
Ha ha, thankfully I was - knowing it isn’t a real person probably helps, and really it is there to support me reach the goals I set myself.

What sets this app apart from other fitness apps?
I really liked the interface - it’s easy to navigate and I also love the social element to it. Being able to see other people’s updates motivates you even further.
How do you feel after using the app for several weeks - will you keep using it?
Without a doubt. Thankfully, I lost almost a half a stone coming up to the wedding and felt really good on the day. A lot of the time I feel like you just need to be reminded to be healthy, or do exercise, and this app is very effective in this way.
June 29th:
Fit at any age
Two men at very different stages in life, 25 and 49 years old, will compare notes as they travel along their fitness journey with MyLife.
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