Though it looked for a while as if convenience stores, supermarkets and forecourt retailers would do away with demand for doorstep deliveries, an increasing number of consumers are discovering that nothing could be more convenient than having fresh milk delivered daily.
But where previously milk deliveries were associated with the clip clop of hooves, the hum of the milk float or the clink of the bottles, today’s deliveries are carried out without so much as a chirp of disappointment from birds looking for foil lids to pierce. Today’s cartons make for a much quieter – and bird proof – service.
What’s more, if you haven’t considered milk delivery services in a while, you’ll be amazed to find that, despite the resurgence of this comfortingly old fashioned service, it’s one that is supported by software technology.

Modern service providers, such as, encourage customers to sign up for their delivery service and make payments online, either by computer or via a smartphone app, for even greater ease of use. What’s more, changes to orders can be made right up until 9pm the night before – so no more communicating with the milkman with notes stuck in empty bottles!
Indeed, because payments can be made online, you’ll hardly even see this hardworking member of your local community. Of course, if you want to pay in person each week, fortnight or month, you’ll typically find that’s no problem either. Your local milkman or milkwoman can arrange a collection time that’s convenient for you, because that’s what it’s all about – convenience.
There’s so much more to sign up for too, with a range of essentials that includes everything from yogurts and cheese to juices, smoothies and eggs. You’ll even find bread and water offered by some doorstep deliverers, as well as a full range of low fat, whole and speciality milks.
So, in a fast changing world, it’s nice to know that one of our most reliable traditions is staging a comeback. We’ll drink (milk) to that!
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