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New Bike to School scheme proposed

How will your kids get to school this coming term? Will they be dropped off by the mummy or daddy taxi at the school gates? Or will they choose the healthier option of cycling to school?

Labour Senator Ivana Bacik recently called on the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport to introduce a scheme to encourage more children to take the two-wheeled option when going to school.

She proposes an initiative similar to the successful Cycle to Work scheme, in which parents would avail of a tax exemption to equip their kids to cycle to school. “The introduction of a scheme that would encourage higher levels of cycling among schoolchildren would be very welcome,” said Bacik.

She suggests calling it “Bike to School”, and has already received overwhelming support for the idea.


For many parents, the biggest obstacle to letting their children cycle to school is the danger from traffic, but with more cycle lanes being built, and greater awareness among drivers that they need to share the road with cyclists, the danger factor can be greatly reduced.

See rsa.ie for some invaluable safety tips.