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Santa answers even more questions as part of our fun Santa Podcast

We got some extra time with Santa and he’s got lots more answers to the questions you sent in. Did he answer yours?

This year's Santa Podcast is bigger and better than ever! Photograph: Getty Images

Back for a second year in association with Opel, this year’s Santa Podcast sees journalist Conor Pope ask Santa lots and lots of questions sent in from boys and girls during December. You can listen to the podcast now and, as an extra special treat, we nabbed Santa Claus afterwards and got him to answer loads more questions. Did he answer your question? Read below to find out.

What is your favourite thing to be left out?

I don’t have a favourite, I like all snacks! I get left so many lovely treats and sweets along my journey on Christmas Eve that I don’t need any more snacks – sometimes Mrs Claus gives me a flask of hot cocoa to stay warm as we go.

What do you have to do to get ready for the big night so that you don’t get tired in the sleigh?

As long as me and the reindeer are well rested beforehand, we should be ready for the long night-time trip around the world. I try to go to bed early in November and I usually bring a flask of coffee with me in the sleigh!

Do reindeers like candy canes?

Candy canes are sweet and, like most of us, reindeer cannot resist them. But unlike most people they always regret eating them. Candy canes are hard on their little tummies. If you want to leave food for the reindeer on Christmas Eve, it is best if it is oats, carrots, or leafy lettuce.


Dear Santa, what were the warmest and coldest temperatures ever recorded on the North Pole?  

Oh it gets really cold! During the winter, it can get down to minus minus 40 degrees! In the summer, it’s a nice and manageable zero degrees. Brrrr. Myself and Mrs Claus are glad we live in the North Pole because while it’s not toasty here, it is considerably warmer than in the land-based South Pole in Antarctica. That’s because the North Pole is over water.

What do the reindeers do in summer?

Every year we come with a new plan. I think next summer we'll go somewhere hot and sunny – although I might get warm with my beard!

How do you know where our house is?     

Everyone knows how busy elves are – but they don’t just make toys. They also help me with my Naughty/Nice list and keep tabs on childrens’ whereabouts for when I am doing my rounds. Don’t worry, I know where you will be.

Just how does Rudolph’s nose glow?         

He was born with a glowing nose - how cool? We all have something that make us different from others and that's Rudolph’s. It's great because he helps show me where I'm going all night!

How do you get into houses with no chimneys?  

I  have a special way using magic that allows me to make chimneys bigger and put down a ladder so I can get down easily with my bag of presents – once I’m done (and have eaten all my snacks and given the reindeers theirs!) – I go back up the ladder and put everything back together as it was.

I always try to be careful not to make a mess, but sometimes I spill some coal or leave some footsteps – I’m sure there lots of mammies and daddies around the world who don’t like that I leave a mess behind me!

I’d like to know if Santa peeps in to see the sleeping boys and girls?

I always know when boys and girls are asleep or awake, and I only go inside when I know they're dreaming!

Is it okay for me to spy on you on Christmas Eve?           

I can only come to your home when you’re asleep, so make sure you get to bed nice and early on Christmas Eve.

Who is faster, Santa or Sonic the Hedgehog?       

We have never had a race, but maybe we should! Who do you think would be faster?

I would like to know how many toys do you make each year in total? Do you count them or maybe there are too many to count?        

I deliver to approximately 22 million kids an hour … now, that's a lot of presents every night! We don't keep track because it's too hard!

Who is your favourite elf and why?           

I don't have a favourite - they're all fantastic!

What is your favourite colour?       

I love the colour red! Reminds me of my favourite night of the year in my cosy red suit, and also Ruldolph’s shiny nose!

Who is your favourite reindeer?    

I don't have a favourite reindeer - they're all great!

Could you ask Santa if he has a special device that helps him travel around the world in one night or how does he travel?

I have a special engine known as a Stardust Antimatter Propulsion Engine – this lets me get around in time to deliver all of the presents.

Are there rhinoceroses in the North Pole?            

What a great question! No there aren't, not real ones, only toys! How cool would that be though?

How do you make all the toys?       

In order to make enough toys for all the boys and girls around the world, we need to have elves working 364 days of the year, and we have a total of about 85,000 elves working in all our departments.

What do you like for breakfast?     

In the morning, I like to start with a glass of orange juice and some porridge. Sometimes, if I’m still hungry, I’ll have some mistle-toast

In your opinion, what part of Ireland is the most beautiful?

Oh wow! I love all parts of Ireland, my favourite part is when I come over Ireland first, around midnight and see the full view of Ireland from the sky!

What is the most difficult part of your Christmas Eve journey?

The hardest part of the journey is when it comes to an end.

Does Santa have any other pets apart from his reindeers?         

Other than the reindeer, I don't have any pets. But there are loads of wonderful animals around the North Pole.

Would you prefer a sandwich to mince pies on Christmas Eve? 

That's a tough one! Mince pies are always a treat, and sandwiches aren't as bad for me … maybe a surprise!

How tall are your elves?

They all have different heights, just like all you and your friends!

How many presents do you make per hour?

It's hard to keep track, because sometimes we make bigger ones that take longer!

Do you have a Christmas tree in your house?

Of course, Mrs Claus always decorates it beautifully and we add a new ornament every year! I love it.

How many Santa suits do you have?

I have just the one, very, very special magic suit!

How much time you have spare once you’ve delivered all the presents Christmas Eve?

No time at all to spare - I have to go straight to bed when I get home!

How do you manage to fit all the Christmas presents in one bag?

I have a special bag that has never ending space so I can fit all the presents; no matter how big or small they are.

Were the reindeer scared when they started to fly first?

No - they were great at it. They all worked hard to get used to it and we practice lots!

What do you and Mrs Claus do to relax after you have delivered all the presents around the world?            

Well, every year after Christmas ends, I sit down with a cup of hot cocoa and read some storybooks and relax a little. Then, Mrs Claus and I go on a little holiday – we try to go somewhere new every year.

When I'm back in my workshop, we are very busy starting to get ready for the next Christmas. I have lots of research and development meetings with the head elves, and we discuss the new toys we can make for the next Christmas, we do lots of testing that the toys work properly and we have to keep track on the naughty and nice list!

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