Angling notes: gale force winds on a day for the life-savers

The winds blew hard at this year’s Knockaderry Cup charity competition in aid of the RNLI

Waterford Trout Anglers’ chairman William Hanrahan presenting the Knockaderry Cup to winning angler, Mark Rogan

Members of Dunmore East RNLI were on hand to inspect personal flotation devices (PFDs) prior to the charity competition on the Knockaderry Fishery in Kilmeaden, Co Waterford, earlier this month. It is, of course, mandatory for anglers to wear a PDF on the water and the RNLI were on hand to provide this very important service free of charge to save lives.

It came as no surprise to discover a small selection of life jackets were in need of attention including replacement of gas cylinders (out of date) and signs of ‘cracks’ appearing on jackets.

This year’s competition, hosted by Waterford City and County Trout Anglers, was held in aid of the lifeboats. Monies collected plus voluntary contributions will be presented to the RNLI at a later date. “Contributions are still coming in, but the final amount will be about €1,500″; committee member, Michael Sheehan, said.

As for the competition, it was touch-and-go whether to cancel with gale force winds forecast. However, shelter could be found on the southern side of the lake. It was here that renowned Oughterard angler Basil Shields found a niche and stormed home with eight rainbows, sufficient to win the competition outright.


The second days’ competition for the Knockaderry Cup went ahead in similar conditions plus a rendering of heavy thundery downpours, sufficient to put the fish down and difficult to entice. The final bell could not have come sooner, for most.

Barry Healy with a rainbow trout at the Knockaderry competition in Kilmeaden, Co Waterford

Results (Saturday): 1, B Shields, 8 fish; 2, C Scanlon, 3f; 3, M Rogan, 1f. (Sunday): 1, M Rogan, 4 fish; 2, R Crichton, 2f; 3, S McGrane, 2f.

Wild on the Bann

In challenging conditions, the Bann Match Clubs’ two-week coarse angling competition on the Lower Bann River took place recently on the Portglenone facility in Co Antrim. Some good starting weights for the aptly named ‘Wild on the Bann’ were soon thrown off-course by a mid-week gale.

Ron Jordan, winner of the Wild on the Bann coarse competition in Co Antrim

The all-important open draw saw Ricky Peoples storm ahead from the second day, only to be pipped at the post by Ron Jordan for a festival win by a mere kilo or so.

‘Wild on the Bann’ results: 1, R Jordan, 45:725kg; 2, R Peoples, 44.400kg; 3, P Hartin, 38.175kg. Heaviest daily catch - Gary Cummings with 18:725kg.

Similar weather conditions prevailed for the second week at the Bann Bonanza match with raging weedy waters and high winds. Experience was key in such conditions and Derek Buckley@browning-ireland led the field to the end finishing with 13kg 300g.

‘Bann Bonanza’ results: 1, D Buckley, 13:300kg; 2, J Keith, 12:675kg; 3, J McAllister, 11:975kg.

These two annual festivals are supported by Mid Ulster District Council who have made this fishery accessible to all and welcome anglers to the local area. Next competition, the two-day McCoy Cup, is scheduled for 28th/29th December, 2022. Contact for further details.

Four-hour heat two

The second heat of the winter league took place last weekend at the Annamoe Trout Fishery in Co Wicklow. The four-hour competition saw 45 rainbow trout caught, measured and returned with Dublin angler Tony Finn taking the honours with nine fish.

Tony McGrattan with a 5lb rainbow trout caught during Annamoe Trout Fisheries winter league in Co Wicklow

The top 25 per cent winners from each of the four heats will go forward to the final on December 17th. Anglers who have qualified in earlier heats do have the option of competing in all heats.

Results: 1, I Saraz, 4 fish; 2, D Farrell, 3f; 3, T McGratten, 3f; 4, P Noonan, 2f; 5, J Hennessy, 2f.

If you have an angling story to share, please send to me at