A super sexy footballer

You know that German pop combo The Fanatical Two and you know that old 80's chart topper "Rock Me Amadeus"? No, neither do we…

You know that German pop combo The Fanatical Two and you know that old 80's chart topper "Rock Me Amadeus"? No, neither do we, but, according to the Nando website, the popsters have released a new version of the tune, entitled "Rock me Matthaeus", a tribute - yes, you guessed it - to German football legend Lothar Matthaeus. Nando even provided the lyrics to the first verse of the song and we feel the need to share them with you - "He is a man of the world, a true hero, does only what he feels like. He is a superstar, a sex symbol and women find him super, super cool. Come and rock me, Matthaeus." Super, super, eh?

Mary Hannigan

Mary Hannigan

Mary Hannigan is a sports writer with The Irish Times